Friday, March 30, 2012


Taken in the bar last Saturday night. Election night in the mighty state of Queensland.
Look at those numbers accross the bottom!
Target: 45 ALP 6 LNP 75 Oth 4 ALP -45 LNP +44 Oth -2
ALP -45 !!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll never see anything like this on a TV screen again in my life.
The really good news from election night?
Margaret Keech lost her seat! (fantastic)
The bad news from election night?
Fiona Simpson held onto hers. (oh well, I can't win 'em all)


kae said...

Pretty good, wasn't it!

The Queensland Tally Room died, too. No self-respecting LNP people would be celebrating in "enemy territory', the ABC Radio offices in Listener Street, Toowong.

Most delicious is that Greg Withers, Mr Bligh, is keeping his job and must deconstruct all the things that he brought in while in his Carbon Dioxide management position.


JeffS said...

Good news, indeed! Huzzah!